Corn Replant Calculator

Input: Facts Output: Peace Of Mind

Each year there are a few acres replanted somewhere due to adverse environmental conditions. The replant decision must be made by weighing the production of a replanted crop versus the production of the damaged field if left untouched.

It’s easy to let emotions influence a replant decision, but it’s important to make the decision based on facts, logic, and economics. To aid in this decision Wyffels has developed this replant calculator that will help take emotion out and let the facts drive the decision.

Step 1: Evaluate Current Crop

e.g. 38000

Step 2: Determine Yield Potential and Cost of Replant

e.g. 38000
Herbicide, equipment, fuel and labor cost

Yield Potential Comparison

Expected % Yield of Original Stand:
Expected % Yield of Replant Stand:
Expected % Yield Difference

Step 3: Return on Investment Analysis of Replant

Value of Original Stand
Value of Replant Stand
Cost to Replant
Net Value of Replant Stand
ROI to Replant

Replant Table: Effect of planting date and population on corn yield. Expressed as percent of optimum yield.

Planting Date
Plants/Ac before May 15 15-May 20-May 25-May 1-Jun 5-Jun 10-Jun
40,000 99% 94% 91% 87% 79% 74% 64%
37,000 100% 95% 92% 88% 80% 75% 65%
34,000 98% 93% 90% 86% 78% 73% 63%
30,000 95% 90% 87% 83% 75% 70% 60%
26,000 90% 85% 82% 78% 70% 65% 55%
22,000 85% 80% 77% 73% 65% 60% 50%
18,000 76% 71% 68% 64% 56% 51% 41%
14,000 67% 62% 59% 55% 47% 42% 32%
10,000 57% 52% 49% 45% 37% 32% 22%

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Geneseo, IL